Huawei creates a tablet called Huawei MediaPad. The shape is similar to a glimpse of Apple's first generation tablet but its size diminished. Around him wrapped with a unibody to the back cover, so impressed sophisticated. With only 7-inch size makes it lighter to carry and when the input into the bag even more compact size. Its size is still smaller when compared with the BlackBerry Playbook.Already embedded OS honeycomb 3.2 out-of-the-box. The screen is quite responsive and clear because the resolution is high enough. Also has a dual core processor with a clock speed of 1.2GHz.
So Huawei could be on to something with the MediaPad, which is slated for a third quarter launch in the United States. For hardware, the MediaPad will have a 1.2 GHz Qualcomm processor, 8 GB of built-in storage, a microSD slot, front and rear cameras and about six hours of battery life. It'll run a bit thinner and lighter than Samsung's Galaxy Tab, and will boast a unibody aluminum design in a loving nod to Apple.
If you like your gadgets commitment-free, keep dreaming. Eventually someone will get the 7-inch tablet right. Right?
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